Saturday, 15 February 2014

Datatype used to send string value + url

Datatype used to send string value + url

1.RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax - World Wide Web ...

Description:3.3 Literals. Literals are used for values such as strings,
numbers, and dates. A literal in an RDF graph consists of two or three
elements: a lexical form, being a ...

2.Configuration, methods and events of the Kendo DataSource ...

Description:Easy to follow steps for DataSource component configuration,
examples of supported methods and executed events.

3.Data Types - FHIR v0.80 - HL7

Description:In addition to having a value as described above, these
primitive data types can also have an identity (e.g. xml:id), and they may
have extensions like any other ...

4.Resource Description Framework (RDF): Concepts and ...

Description:Defines the RDF graph model along with the concepts used in
RDF and the triples abstract syntax.

5.Ask Tom "Boolean Datatype"

Description:Hi Tom, I have a question regarding boolean datatype. Below is
the SP, written by our client and we need to integrate this with our
application. - jqGrid Wiki

Description:As mentioned above, if we do not set the datatype and
xmlReader parameter in the options array, the grid expects XML data, and
the structure of this data is as ...

7.File | Android Developers

Description:Fields; public static final String: pathSeparator: The
system-dependent string used to separate components in search paths (":").

8.URLConnection | Android Developers

Description:Creates a new URLConnection instance pointing to the resource
specified by the given URL.

9.Configuration, methods and events of Kendo UI Editor

Description:Configuration encoded Boolean(default: true) Indicates whether
the Editor should submit encoded HTML tags. By default, the submitted
value is encoded.

10.jQuery.ajax() | jQuery API Documentation

Description:Override the callback function name in a jsonp request. This
value will be used instead of 'callback' in the 'callback=?' part of the
query string in the url.

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